Dispute over EMF Cancer Risk Continues
When three cases of male breast cancer showed up in the same small office in Albuquerque in 2001, a lawsuit was quickly filed. “The odds of three men in one specific office getting breast cancer are a...
View ArticleThe Case for EMF Precautionary Policies
Precautionary policies to protect children from power line electromagnetic fields (EMFs) should have been adopted years ago. It’s a no-brainer, yet health officials continue to sit on their hands.There...
View ArticleIs There a Ten-Year Latency for Cell Phone Tumor Development?
Is it a warning sign or a statistical fluke?This is the question prompted by a new epidemiological study, released on Friday (January 27) which shows —once again— that one may be more than twice as...
View ArticleWhere Is Interphone?
Why is the Interphone study not finished yet? "The interpretation is not straightforward," Elisabeth Cardis told Microwave News in an interview from her office at IARC in Lyon, France. The data are...
View ArticleMother's Use of Cell Phones May Lead to Children's Behavior Problems
It's certainly a provocative and surprising finding —almost to the point of being unbelievable. A joint U.S.–Danish team has reported that young children born to mothers who had used cell phones during...
View ArticleNo Link to Meningioma Seen in Northern Europe
While we were away on a summer break, another Interphone paper was released online: An analysis of the incidence of meningiomas (brain tumors) among cell phone users in five Northern European countries.
View ArticleScams Galore
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public," H.L. Mencken, the American journalist, famously said years ago. And so it continues today, not only in the U.S. but most...
View ArticleSam Milham: An Appreciation
John Snow is known as the father of modern epidemiology, best remembered for helping end the 1854 cholera epidemic in London. At the time no one yet knew that cholera is caused by bacteria, but Snow...
View ArticleEuropean Study Reports No Brain Tumor Risk Among Young Cell Phone Users
Here's the golden rule for all cell phone cancer studies: Nothing comes easy.
View ArticleEMF Exposures in the Womb Can Lead to Childhood Obesity
De-Kun Li is the last man standing. Not long ago, many of the leading environmental epidemiologists in the U.S. were working on EMFs of one kind or another. They've all moved on —all except De-Kun Li,...
View ArticleDirty Electricity & Epidemics of Obesity and Diabetes
“Diesel generator sets are a major source of dirty electricity today and are used almost universally to electrify small islands and places unreachable by the conventional electric grid. This accounts...
View ArticleNow It Is Enough
"Now it is enough!" claims Maria Feychting of Sweden's Karolinska Institute. Feychting wants to stop wasting money on any more epidemiological studies of breast cancer risks from power-frequency...
View ArticleTumor Specific Frequencies
Sam Milham and David Stetzer point to a link between kHz signals from variable frequency drives on electric motors at an LNG plant and a cluster of a very rare cancer.
View ArticleDispute over EMF Cancer Risk Continues
When three cases of male breast cancer showed up in the same small office in Albuquerque in 2001, a lawsuit was quickly filed. “The odds of three men in one specific office getting breast cancer are a...
View ArticleThe Case for EMF Precautionary Policies
Precautionary policies to protect children from power line electromagnetic fields (EMFs) should have been adopted years ago. It’s a no-brainer, yet health officials continue to sit on their hands.There...
View ArticleIs There a Ten-Year Latency for Cell Phone Tumor Development?
Is it a warning sign or a statistical fluke?This is the question prompted by a new epidemiological study, released on Friday (January 27) which shows —once again— that one may be more than twice as...
View ArticleWhere Is Interphone?
Why is the Interphone study not finished yet? "The interpretation is not straightforward," Elisabeth Cardis told Microwave News in an interview from her office at IARC in Lyon, France. The data are...
View ArticleMother's Use of Cell Phones May Lead to Children's Behavior Problems
It's certainly a provocative and surprising finding —almost to the point of being unbelievable. A joint U.S.–Danish team has reported that young children born to mothers who had used cell phones during...
View ArticleNo Link to Meningioma Seen in Northern Europe
While we were away on a summer break, another Interphone paper was released online: An analysis of the incidence of meningiomas (brain tumors) among cell phone users in five Northern European countries.
View ArticleScams Galore
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public," H.L. Mencken, the American journalist, famously said years ago. And so it continues today, not only in the U.S. but most...
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